
Wednesday 18 December 2013

Fun Insect Facts for Kids

Fun Insect Facts for Kids

Check out our fun insect facts for kids. Learn about different insect parts, which insects can walk on water, how ants communicate and much more.
Read on and enjoy a variety of interesting information about insects.
  • The number of insect species is believed to be between six and ten million.
  • Insect bodies have three parts, the thorax, abdomen and head.
  • Insects have two antennae.
  • Insects have three pairs of legs.
  • Some insects, such as gerridae (water striders), are able to walk on the surface of water.
  • Bees, termites and ants live in well organized social colonies.
  • Only male crickets chirp.
  • Insects are cold blooded.
  • Silkworms are used as the primary producer of silk.
  • Most insects hatch from eggs.
  • Some cicadas can make sounds nearly 120 decibels loud.
  • The life cycle of a mosquito features four stages, egg, larva, pupa and adult.
    Female mosquitoes drink blood in order to obtain nutrients needed to produce eggs.
  • Spiders are not insects.
  • Bees are found on every continent except Antarctica.
  • Ants leave trails and communicate with each other using pheromones as chemical signals.

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